Today we visited Avatoru, Rangiroa – quite a mouthful, I
know. It is another island in French Polynesia however it is completely
different from Nuku Hiva (the last island we visited).
Before I go much further about Rangiroa, I want to tell you
about our day at sea on Thursday. The highlight of the day came in the
afternoon when Russell and I went out of our box and joined the duplicate
bridge group for an afternoon of play. There are probably sixty or so dedicated
bridge players on board. Early in the trip, as you may recall, we tried to find
another couple to play “party bridge” with us but no such luck. We then
approached the bridge instructors and explained to them that we had never
played duplicate bridge before but that we have played a considerable amount of
rubber bridge. They seemed not to know what to make of us (a fairly common
reaction we get) and so we held back. Later, we attended a couple of bridge
lessons and got to know the instructors better thus leading up to our taking
the plunge yesterday.
I have to tell you it was a bit stressful. I know I
shouldn’t say that (please don’t smack me again) because we are not working and
we are on a cruise and it’s bridge -- so really how stressful could it have
been? Well, the answer is – pretty stressful. Fortunately we played with the
beginners rather than the intermediate/advanced players so they were patient
with us but there is a lot to learn. Like: no snapping of cards. And no
unnecessary chatter. Count your cards before looking at them. Initial the
scorecard in the upper right hand box. East-West players go to the next higher
table while the cards go in the opposite direction. Etc., etc. These people are
definitely rule-bound. Then, of course, there is the matter of just playing the
cards themselves, which in my case is no easy task. I managed for the most part
to avoid committing a lot of egregious errors and, lo and behold, the two of us
won the afternoon’s match, garnering our first “master points”. Talk about dumb
luck! I am still scratching my head over how we managed to pull that off but
I’ll take it.
So, that was our day at sea. Now, back to Rangiroa. I
mentioned that it was totally different from Nuku Hiva. Rangiroa is an atoll,
which means that it is basically a very flat, long, narrow island that encircles
a gigantic “lagoon” (not like on Gilligan’s Island – this lagoon is big, big,
big). The highest point on the island can’t be more than twenty feet so one
wonders how on earth the place has managed to survive storms and flooding, etc.
But it has. Not that there is much there. A post office. A mom and pop grocery
store. City Hall. A couple of churches (one Catholic, one evangelical (I
think)). Same for the cemeteries – one Catholic, one not. And then there are
the houses. Many of which look like a strong storm would take them down.
Windows appear to be optional. As does furniture. Curtains, however, in various
Polynesian prints, are a must. There were cars on the island -- in addition, obviously,
to a lot of boats – so, there must have been gas available somewhere though I
did not see it. And then there were, of course, the residents – most of whom were
dark-skinned, of medium height and stocky build with broad facial features and
dark hair.
Russell and I got an early start this morning having eaten
breakfast and ridden the tender to the island before nine a.m. We had no tour
today and instead just walked around the island aimlessly. We checked out the
church, the cemeteries. Enjoyed lots of frangipani blossoms and their exquisite
fragrance. Saw the Pacific side of the island where the waves were crashing and
there were lots of rocks, ledges and pools. Here, I was able finally to put my
feet in the South Pacific.
Later, we found a free part of the coastline, seemingly
unclaimed by any property owner, where we were able to go in the water and do
some snorkeling. The water was beyond glorious. Perfect temperature, deep
turquoise blue. Russell came prepared having assembled our snorkeling gear the
night before. He even brought with him our surf booties (these have not been
used in years). And you thought all that luggage we brought was filled with
junk! Hah.
We snorkeled together and observed plenty of tropical fish
feeding about the coral. The coral itself looked not so healthy to me. I fear
that it was “bleached out” due to global warming but I could be wrong. Still, there
seemed to be just one variety of coral still surviving and it was none too
numerous. Anyhow, we had a marvelous time following the colorful fish (until
one of them bit Russell). It was still however one of those peak experiences that
will go into our memory banks forever.
We were back on the ship in time for lunch and spent most of
the afternoon sitting on our veranda stitching happily in the breezy 84-degree
shade, watching the palm trees sway and hearing all about “snow-mageddon” on
the television.
Tonight, we had a delicious dinner at Caneletto, which is
one of the extra-cost restaurants on board the ship. I had a “mock-tail” (no
alcohol) and we enjoyed a view of the setting sun while munching on portabella
mushrooms with spaghetti made from squash and carrots.
It was a truly perfect day. Makes me wonder when the other
shoe will drop but I am trying to just be okay with everything being okay.
Harder than you might think. But not as hard as shoveling snow! (I just couldn’t
A warm breeze from the Pacific while we wade through 20 inches of snow in Philadelphia.